Well if it isn't already obvious, I'm HORRIBLE about updating my blog. It's not like it doesn't come to mind, I'd just rather sit on my badonkadonk and not make use of my phalanges.
Needless to say, it has been a VERY interesting week starting this HCG diet. Taking myself away from the thing I love so much, food, isn't good. It's like I'm PMSing all the time. It's not pretty but everyday does get better! I never realized how much self control I'd need to not eat these beautiful red velvet muffins with cream cheese toppings that were hanging out at work ALLL week. On a positive note, I did not even touch a crumb! I've been fortunate enough to have a girl at work doing this diet with and she's is great support! (But we've become amazing at bitching about not eating what we want and how diets suck, my own lips are sick of talking about it).
As I was working with patient this week, my thoughts got the best of me and I realized what I wanted to give Gary, my fiance, for his birthday in July. I going to get a little ccaarraazzzyyy and do Boudoir photographs! Coming from the girl who lacks confidence this would be a huge step for me, BUT, I know its something he'd love (what guy wouldn't really) AND it'd be a nice 'thank you' for sticking by me with this diet. Speaking of that, he's been amazing. This guy will eat ice cream in the kitchen after I've gone to bed so I don't see it! Sucks for his metabolism but I won't complain about that right now.
I did take photograph's with my phone of what my 'before' photos look like but there's no way in hell I'm posting them right now.
Gobbler (neck): 14.5in
TaTa's (chest): 42in
Bra Line: 36in
My curve (waist) 36in
Hips 39.75in
Kim Kardashian's best feature: 44.25in
Upper thighs: 25.5in (both...not combined, damn)
I took my starting weight Monday morning and always right when I wake up:
Monday Jan. 23rd: 183lbs
Tuesday Jan. 24th: 181lbs -2lbs :)
Wednesday Jan 25th: 179.5lbs -1.5lbs :)
Thursday Jan. 26th: 179lbs -.5lbs :)
Friday Jan. 27th: 179.5 +.5lbs :(
Hopefully when I actually get the hang of this thing I'll post some recipes that I used that other people would like to try. I've done some serious research to find good ones because if not I know I'm going to get bored FAST!
Cheers to weight loss (and vodka)!
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